So what exactly does "nautical" mean? Nautical means of or concerning sailors or navigation; maritime. The nautical trend gets its inspiration from things like sailors, the navy, classic colors like blue and red, and a 'sea' theme. Often in nautical clothing, you will see anchors and ruffles.

One of my favorite stores to shop for nautical pieces is an online store called ModCloth. They have a whole range of nautical pieces, whether you want a simple nautical style or a full out sailor style. ModCloth also has a huge amount of nautical bathing suits, and carries regular and plus sizes.
Want to try out the nautical trend? Some staple pieces are: a striped shirt, a ruffled blue/red skirt, anchor themed clothing, and pretty much anything that is red or blue!
Photos from Google; they do not belong to me. All opinions are my own.
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